About Us

Durnford Dart pioneered bamboo farming in Australia. Jennifer Snyders BScArch is the CEO of House of Bamboo and a champion of sustainability

Durnford Dart

Durnford Dart pioneered bamboo farming in Australia and currently has over 250 species growing on his commercial property in Queensland.  Durnford is generally acknowledged as this country’s Bamboo growing and marketing expert and is equally recognised in the massive Asian bamboo industry through scores of fact finding visits, co-operative planting programs, consultancy commissions and bamboo variety experiments in Asia and Australasia.

Jennifer Snyders

Jennifer Snyders BScArch is the CEO of House of Bamboo and a champion of sustainability with a passion for introducing bamboo as a means to alleviate soil degradation in Australia. She is regularly consulted, both nationally and internationally for her extensive knowledge of bamboo. She has many years of experience in the utilization of bamboo and a considerable network of industry associates who compliment Durnford’s expertise in growing, production and distribution of bamboo poles and associated by products within Australia and Internationally.